Haven't been able to blog for a while. Guess it's gonna be that way for a while, what with school, work, child, home, dogs, husband, yada, yada....
Today was a wonderful day. A great day to give thanks for the many, many blessings we have. I must say that I am blessed beyond measure. My health is pretty good, I have a wonderful family and extended family, friends, a nice home, a car, a job (not the best, but at least I have one when so many don't).
Today was a very relaxed and enjoyable holiday with my family. My hubby, daughter and I went over to my brother's house for a feast. My parents were there along with my brother's mother-in-law and her boyfriend. Also my brother's wife and two daughters. It was actually quite nice. We had pee-lenty to eat...ham, turkey (deep fried...yum), mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, mac & cheese, deviled eggs, asparagus wrapped in bacon, dressing, creamed onions, corn casserole, pumpkin pie and pumpkin crisp. Holy Moly. Everything was outstanding. We all split up the cooking and made light work of it all.
My daughter and youngest niece had me down in the basement after I stuffed myself, playing on their Wii. What fun!!!! I played all manner of games. That is one sweet machine.
The weather is finally turning cold again...after being nearly 70 degrees the last two days. NOW I can get into the Christmas spirit. NOW I feel like going shopping. NOW if only we'd get a little snow!!!!
Oh, forgot to mention that daughter and I watched some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, this morning. It was pretty nice. But daughter wanted to watch Anastasia. So, we switched to that. It was okay. It was good spending time with my girl. She's growing up soooo quickly. I need to spend time with her as much as I can doing special things.
Well, better get myself to bed. Later today is the official first day of Christmas shopping. Some stores are opening at 4 a.m.!!!! If I was gonna be there that friggin' early, I wouldn't even go to bed. Those poor employees. I'll meander about at a respectable afternoon hour.
Here's hoping that everyone had a wonderful, blessed and special Thanksgiving.