Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Yes, I see that I have not gotten my sentiment posted in time. Christmas is officially over on the East coast. (Well, Christmas Day, NOT the season of...)

Today was a bitter sweet day. My daughter had one of her best Christmases ever. She got everything she wanted -- and them some!!! She was so excited this morning. Wish you could have seen her tear through her packages. What a delight it is to see her so happy.

Then we went to my folks' for breakfast and opening of gifts. My Dad looks like....well, pretty pale and weak. He feels no better, but at least he's still here. I have a horrible feeling this was my last Christmas with him. I pray I am wrong. I pray the doctors can do "something". My Mom will be calling doctors first thing tomorrow to get him in to see SOMEBODY. He's just not doing well at all. He needs to be seen. They need to readjust his CRT. They need readjust his meds. They need to do SOMETHING!!!

Christmas Eve Midnight Mass was very nice. The choir's concert was.....well, less than stellar. It actually wasn't very good at all. I don't know what was wrong. Well, my folks weren't there and a soprano was missing. I don't know if their absences had anything to do with it or not, but the music was not up to par.

During the Prayers of the People, my dear friend (Bro), Lee mentioned my Dad's name whilst praying for the sick. He needs all the prayers he can get. It was very sweet of Lee to do that. I greatly appreciated it.

Today has been a very long, busy day full of trepidation. My father-in-law is in the end stages of his life. He's suffered for many years. They can no longer do anything else for him. My own father's health is really poor. Jeez.

But knowing that so many people are lifting us all up in prayer means more than anything. I want everyone who is praying to know that I really appreciate you. I can feel some strength from those prayers.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you have a happy, healthy, prosperous 2008.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Busy, busy times

Wow, what a busy time I've endured these last couple of weeks. Between work, finishing my Biology class, preparing for daughter's birthday party, preparing for the holidays, taking my Dad back to the hospital............

I'm VERY happy to report that I am now officially on vacation for the next two weeks! Yeah. Friday darn near killed me. Had to totally clean out my office (a couple in the church is gifting new carpet for my office!!!) Had to make final preparations for our Christmas Day dinner (which we offer to the community) and make sure all work was done for the next two weeks.

I'm now able to concentrate on time with the family. I am also able to concentrate on cleaning this nasty, nasty house. Haven't had time to really clean for several weeks. Now, is the time to shovel the sh!+ out and make it liveable again! Also hope to have some time for actually baking some cookies!

I'm very, very blessed with friends who "got my back". My dear friends Glenn Moore and Lee Davenport are manning the parish office whilst I'm away for the next couple of weeks.

I'm so exhausted from life, in general right now. I hope that I'm able to just "be" and enjoy. That's my plan, anyway.

If any of you reading my blog are so inclined, I'd love prayers for my Dad and my father-in-law. They are both in poor health. My Dad had to be taken back to the emergency room on Friday. Fortunately they readjusted his new pacemaker and we are hoping that will help him feel better. As for my father-in-law, he has been in a nursing home for years. He's suffered from throat cancer for years. He's had numerous surgeries, etc. He hasn't been able to eat for well over a year. He is fed through a feeding tube. He is now in ICU because of a staff infection. He also aspirated some food into his lungs yesterday. He easily chokes on his own saliva because he is unable to swollow. Long story short, this could finally be his end days. Please pray that when God says it's time for him to go, he go peacefully.

Well, time to get busy with all the cleaning.

If I don't get back in here to blog before Santa arrives, I hope all of you have a blessed Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Wow! What a week. Busy, busy, busy at work. Anybody who works at a church around Christmas time KNOWS of what I am speaking. Goodness. On top of all that work, I'm doing extra work in anticipation of my two weeks off after this coming Friday, December 21. First time in 28 years I've taken time off around Christmas.

Then, I am expecting new carpet in my office (wonderful couple at the church are donating it). So....I have to pack up and clean my office out as well, before I leave on Friday.

Then there was the final for my Biology lecture, which I took on Thursday. Believe it or not, I was so stressed out over this class. It was very, very hard. But, it looks like I have an A!!! Then there was the planning and implementation of daughter's birthday party at a roller skating rink this past Saturday.

Today was killer. Had duty as a Lector and Lay Eucharistic Minister at 10:30, followed by a meeting which didn't end until nearly 1 p.m. Rushed home to eat lunch and then off to daughter's piano recital at 2. Then back home to prepare a dish to take to the acolyte party at church. So, 4:15 rolls around and it's back to the church to bake hundreds of cookies and sign hundreds of cards for some sailors aboard a small ship somewhere in the Middle East. I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I just felt compelled to blog because I've been so lax about it.

I don't even have my Christmas cards done yet. That will be tomorrow evening's chore. I've made my mailing labels and return address labels.

Lord, there is sooooo much to be done this week at work, I pray I can keep my sanity in order to get it done.

Oh, yeah.....did I mention I'm the home room mom to my daughter's fifth grade class? I had a cohome room mom, but she transferred her child to another class. Now I'm doing it solo. So......after baking and cleaning and signing the church, I had to come home to make phone calls to line up all the "stuff" for the Christmas party for daughter's class this week. Oh, yeah, and then there's the trip to the doctor's office on Wednesday. Geez......I may never get everything done this week. Thank God for my good friend Lee. He's a gem. He helps out at the office. I may need to call in some reinforcements. We have LOTS to get done.

Well, I really am pooped so I'm gonna call it a night.

Here's hoping that anybody who rambles by here has a great week.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Your Score: Fennel

You scored 50% intoxication, 25% hotness, 75% complexity, and 50% craziness!

You are Fennel! You're a cool cat. Crisp, clean, fresh, and extremely complicated. You're like quantum physics or modern jazz. Think Niels Bohr meets Ornette Coleman. You may look normal now, but once you sprout, you look kind of, uh, funny.

Link: The Which Spice Are You Test written by jodiesattva on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Friday, November 23, 2007

cash advance

Cash Advance Loans

Quiz Time

What Social Status are you?
created with
You scored as Middle Class

You're content in your position and would prefer a house or a family than a seven figure pay cheque. But you have your moments of weakness when you buy a lottery ticket in the hope of knowing how the rich and famous live.

Middle Class


Lower Class


Upper middle Class




Luxurious Upper Class



Haven't been able to blog for a while. Guess it's gonna be that way for a while, what with school, work, child, home, dogs, husband, yada, yada....

Today was a wonderful day. A great day to give thanks for the many, many blessings we have. I must say that I am blessed beyond measure. My health is pretty good, I have a wonderful family and extended family, friends, a nice home, a car, a job (not the best, but at least I have one when so many don't).

Today was a very relaxed and enjoyable holiday with my family. My hubby, daughter and I went over to my brother's house for a feast. My parents were there along with my brother's mother-in-law and her boyfriend. Also my brother's wife and two daughters. It was actually quite nice. We had pee-lenty to eat...ham, turkey (deep fried...yum), mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, mac & cheese, deviled eggs, asparagus wrapped in bacon, dressing, creamed onions, corn casserole, pumpkin pie and pumpkin crisp. Holy Moly. Everything was outstanding. We all split up the cooking and made light work of it all.

My daughter and youngest niece had me down in the basement after I stuffed myself, playing on their Wii. What fun!!!! I played all manner of games. That is one sweet machine.

The weather is finally turning cold again...after being nearly 70 degrees the last two days. NOW I can get into the Christmas spirit. NOW I feel like going shopping. NOW if only we'd get a little snow!!!!

Oh, forgot to mention that daughter and I watched some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, this morning. It was pretty nice. But daughter wanted to watch Anastasia. So, we switched to that. It was okay. It was good spending time with my girl. She's growing up soooo quickly. I need to spend time with her as much as I can doing special things.

Well, better get myself to bed. Later today is the official first day of Christmas shopping. Some stores are opening at 4 a.m.!!!! If I was gonna be there that friggin' early, I wouldn't even go to bed. Those poor employees. I'll meander about at a respectable afternoon hour.

Here's hoping that everyone had a wonderful, blessed and special Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I have been suffering Blog Withdrawal. You know, the affliction you get when you can't get to your blogging because life has a way of interrupting.

Just want to take a few minutes to blog tonight. Although I'm really tired, I still want to blog. I've really missed it.

Life is scooting along at a frantic pace. Some days I'm not sure I hang on tight enough. I find it hard to believe this semester of school is nearly over. I find it hard to believe this school year for my child is nearly half over. I find it hard to believe my child will soon be eleven-years-old. I find it hard to believe we are approaching the Thanksgiving to Christmas rush. I find it hard to believe that yet another year has nearly come to an end. I find it hard to believe we were all so afraid of Y2K and now we're seven years on the other side of that.

Where DOES the time get to? Why does life have to pass so quickly? I really do wonder these things.

My parents always told me that the older you get, the faster time goes by. Well, they were right! Hate to admit it, but they were. (They usually were, but I was too "smart" to recognize or admit that they were.)

Well, I feel better for having blogged. Maybe life will slow down to a pace I can keep up'll never happen!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another Successful Lock-in

Well, planning and implementation ARE the keys to a fun and successful lock-in.

I had yet another lock-in and training with the church acolytes. The same kids who came along to the Washington National Cathedral all came to the training and lock-in. We had loads of fun and games....some training.....and then went to late-night "cosmic" bowling. I must say we were all quite pooped by the time we got back to the church. We all readied for bed, ate cookie dough, popcorn and various other snacks and watched a movie. By 1 a.m. or so, we were all sound asleep.

My good buddy Lee was one of the helping trainers. He also spent the night as one of the adults with me. Also had the mother of one of the acolytes stay. She was awesome as well.

Went to Shoney's for a nice big, filling breakfast...then home to unpack and SLEEP!!!! As nice as sleeping on the floor of the parish hall was, I slept with Lee's daughter, Bea. She's a cover stealer!!!! It also got rather chilly last night. Let's just say that I didn't sleep all that well. My bed at home was a very welcome respite.

I have managed to get quite a bit of laundry done.

Had a great surprise. I'm in the middle of cooking supper, when my daughter and "pseudo-daughter" (neighbor) come in...."Mom, there's a man outside asking for Jeff & Kim Heath". Well, hubby and I go outside and lo and behold, there stands an ex-college classmate of my husband's. We hadn't seen him in over 20 years!!! He live in Puerto Rico and was back in Bristol for a College reunion (which he found out AFTER he got here had been changed to April!). He thought he'd look up some folks he hadn't seen in so long. Hubby and I were dating at that time but he found out we had married through a mutual friend. He looked us up in the local phone book and just showed up at our house. What a blast!!! He's a really nice, neat guy and it was wonderful to see him again.

When we first saw him on our front sidewalk, he said, "I knew I was at the right place when I saw your daughter. She looks just like Kim. This has to be their house." Funny people tell me my daughter looks like me. I don't really see it. But I guess she does. I take it as a GREAT compliment. She is drop dead gorgeous. I'm not gorgeous any more......but 20-something years ago, I wasn't too shabby.

Well, I've digressed here. Need to get my buns to bed so I can get up for church in the morning. We're including a commissioning service in the our late morning HE service. Commissioning of all the acolytes and leaders that is.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm slightly Democrat????

You Are 32% Democrat

You're a bit Democrat, and probably more liberal than you realize.
If you're still voting Republican, maybe it's time that you stop.

I'm not Republican???

You Are 20% Republican

If you have anything in common with the Republican party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that!

Monday, October 8, 2007

And Even More Pics

A red Panda......ever heard of one??? I hadn't
Our crew to the left...getting ready to process
Interesting random balls on a sidewalk. They were HUGE!

An interesting animal of the guinea pig family. He was as big as a colt!

And MORE Pics!

The White House
Another view of the Cathedral
And yet another
A sweet little panda eating
A sloth bear

More Pics

Here are some more pics of my trip to Washington, DC. Enjoy!

Vietnam War Memorial
Kaylyn is moved by a letter written by a girl to her grandfather at the Vietnam Memorial
My happy little family
The "crew" in front of the Cathedral
Just one of many altars inside the Cathedral

Most Unbelievable Weekend!

A couple of monks at the Washington Monument
Our acolytes and leaders prepare for worship at the Cathedral

My baby in front of the World War II memorial World War II Memorial
The sun sets behind the Lincoln Memorial

Well, I had hoped to have the opportunity to post some pics and blog while I was in Washington, DC this past weekend. Well........the best laid plans and all that. We were sooooo busy all weekend. I've not walked so much in my whole life. Miles and miles and miles and the heat! Good Lord. I am sooo tired.

But, the trip was sooo worth it. Except for sleeping and showering, we weren't even in our rooms. We stayed on the go the entire time. The service on Saturday was a big overwhelming for me. When I saw the kids walking down the center aisle in full regalia, I totally lost it! I was never so proud in all my life. I bawled like a baby. How embarrassing? Oh well.

The cathedral is absolutely magnificent. The service was phenomenal.

I saw so many sites. I'm gonna post a bunch of pics just to give you an idea of what all I got to do and see.

If you EVER get the opportunity to worship at the National Cathedral...DO IT!

Here's my picture diary of the trip. (I'll not post all the pics because that would be nearly 200).

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Madness

Whew! What a day.

Hurry and get child to school. Hurry and get to work. Hurry and get those letters out. Hurry and get all that information together. Hurry and......Hurry........

Go to meet with Music teacher after school. Meet with other homeroom Mom (yes, I'm homeroom Mom again) after school. Rush, rush, hurry, hurry.

Get home late. Make supper. Hurry, hurry. Daughter needs to make a simple machine and turn it in TOMORROW!!! The other kids had all weekend to make theirs. We have like 3 hours????

Call the teacher, "can we please have more time?" No answer. Please call me back.

Oy......what a day. On top of all that, I have all this homework to do.

At least we're getting closer to leaving for Washington, DC. Yaaaa hoooo

We've worked so hard for so long to make enough money for this trip. Now we've reached our goal and we're going! I've been planning and planning this thing for many, many months.

As my "Bro", Lee has stated on his blog, we'll be posting from DC. Hope to take lots of photos.

Well, need to hurry and fold the clothes in dryer (which is beeping at me). Need to rush off and do lots more reading of my Biology.

Whew. Somebody slow this ride down!!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lovely Saturday

Wow! What gorgeous weather we are having here in upper east Tennessee. Absolutely glorious. Sunny. Cool. Just perfect.

Today has been a really lovely day. The weather. The fact I slept in. Just piddling around the house.

Then we made our first trip to a brand new Sam's Club. Wow! We spent a couple of hours up there. It's really nice. I know there are those who don't care for Sam's/Wal-Mart...but when you're on a very tight budget, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Did I mention the fact that we had to have our car repaired? I had purchased my tires from them (a few years ago) and had purchased the road hazard insurance. Well, I picked up a nail in a tire last week, so I finally made the time to take it up there for repair. Nice new thing...if you have a Sam's Club membership, you can have your car tires repaired for free, even if you didn't buy the tires there!! Sweet, huh?

I hate to even think of it, but I need to get back to studying. Our prof. continued lecturing on chapters which weren't going to be covered in our test last Thursday. We are now two weeks ahead of schedule according to our syllabus! That means I need to get busy and read to get caught up to the lectures. I just wouldn't read those chapters before the test because I needed to concentrate on the chapters we were being tested on. So now, I need to play "catch-up." For those of you who don't know...I am back in school earning my degree in elementary education. I am currently taking a Biology class. I go. Reading and reading and reading and................

Here's hoping your Saturday is as glorious as mine.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Feelin' Kinda Mellow

For a Tuesday, today was pretty good. Had a Biology lecture but not too bad all around day.

I must admit that for being near the end of September, the heatwave continues in the Southeast. We were in the 90's!!! Good grief. Have I ever mentioned how I don't DO heat??

Busy day making sure I get all my information together for my trip next week. The acolytes (or a goodly portion of them) are off to Washington, DC to the National Cathedral for the Annual Acolyte Festival. My daughter is an acolyte and I am the coordinator/liaison for the corps. Been on the phone trying to make sure we have all our "t's" crossed and "i's" dotted. I'm so excited. I can't wait til we depart. This is gonna be a marvelous adventure. I've never been to the Cathedral. I think our kids will really enjoy this and be amazed.

Thanks to the generosity of a few folks I know through the internet, our endless fundraising and various other contributions, we've been able to get enough money put together for the trip. Thanks be to God.

I have to admit that I am rather nervous. This Thursday I have my first Biology exam. My poor little brain is so full of information I feel like I'm gonna explode. I've been going over and over my notes. I hope and pray I can remember all the information. My professor is from India. He does a really good job, but he is very difficult to understand at times.

Speaking of studying, I better get back to it.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jena 6 and the 21st Century

Racism, Bigotry, Gay-bashing, Sexism..........

Are we really a society of racists and bigots or are we just really stupid?

Do we never learn from our past?

I honestly just do not get "it".

When I was growing up (northern born and bred), my parents always taught me to treat EVERY human being with the same dignity and respect as they gave.

Not until I moved to the South (whilst an 8th grader), was I ever confronted with racism and bigotry. (This is not to say there are no racists or bigots up north. I had just never been confronted with it.)

While in college, (in the mid-70's) I began dating men of various ethnicities. For the most part I didn't experience any problems. However, I would, from time to time, endure the childish, uneducated slur. When my husband and I married, my family was not exactly pleased. They were very concerned for our safety and job securities. Well, being the kind of person who believes in living her life honestly, I ignored the reservations by my family and have been happily married for 14 years. We also have a BEAUTIFUL, brilliant daughter.

In the 30+ years I've been intimately acquainted with the adversities people of color must endure in this country, the place I have found to be most problematic, has been in the judicial system.

After my apartment had been broken into (in the early 80's) I was in a detective's office to identify some of the items they had recovered. In the middle of this, he excuses himself because he has to go check on the "n.....'s" washing their cars. I said, "exCUSE me????" Oh, sorry, "I have to go check on the spooks".... OMG. I couldn't believe that I was actually hearing this.

Another time I was serving on a grand jury (late 80's). A couple of officers made sure to inform us when a perpetrator was black. They never announced when someone was white. I remember saying to my fellow jurors, "it doesn't matter what color their skin is, we are to listen to the facts based on the evidence." During this same time, one of the jurors tells a very "off-color" joke.

Since when is it okay to do this? And here we are some twenty years later and no better off. I don't know all the facts in this case in Louisianna. I wasn't there. I do know that if what I've heard so far is true, that three white boys got off "scot-free" after a hate crime while six black boys got put in jail for fighting. I'm not saying there shouldn't be punishment for beating someone unconscious. But where was the justice when the white boys hung nooses in a tree? They were clearly trying to intimidate the black students. That is considered a hate crime. Where is the justice?

Have you ever been on the other side of a hate crime? I have. It doesn't feel good at all. It doesn't make sense. Bullying, of any kind, is not right. If we don't stand up and start standing together to care for our brothers and sisters, then how could we expect anyone to stand up for us? How can we look ourselves in the mirror? How can we sleep at night? How can we call ourselves Christians (or whatever religious ilk)?

Lovely Day

After the week I just endured, today was a most welcomed relief.

I slept in late and just kinda chilled. I did finally manage to get busy cleaning the house, doing laundry, and so on. But, I've been very remiss in my studies.

I awoke with a horrendous headache. I was out of migraine meds, so I took Aleve instead. It took forEVER for it to help. But, finally, the headache subsided.

I've manage to watch more television than I normally do. Kinda nice to just kick my feet up and chill for a day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thank God It's Friday

This has been another week from h - e - double hockey sticks. I'm so glad the work part of the week is over and done.

Went to Super Walmart after work today to buy a few things (yeah, a cart full later...). I'm really starting to hate Halloween. They had all these costumes out at the store and of course my daughter (who is nearly 11) just had to find her costume. Well, finding a costume we can agree on is nearly impossible. But, we finally managed to find something. This cheap little costume and the accessories cost nearly $30!!! She'll wear it for one day. Jeez, what a racket.

I saw a house decorated for Christmas! I shit thee not. Bows, lights, wreaths, tree, and so on. Good Lord, deliver us.

Think I'll just chill a bit tonight and surf around the 'net for a bit. Maybe even play a game or two...which is something I love to do but haven't in a very long time.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I am Pooped!!!

What a week!

Went to the Vestry meeting this past Monday to "set the record" straight on a few things. I was very well received and thanked over and over for being there to clear up so much. I even received phone calls and emails the next day! One to apologize for the way I've been treated lately and one to thank me AGAIN for coming, what a great job I did, would I be willing to come to every meeting?????? Uh, no. But, I must admit that I feel somewhat better. I now know that my angst is not with a group of folks, but with one. He does NOT speak for the majority.

Well, today just about did me in. Dropped daughter off at school, went to the office for a bit, left for school at 9:15, attended lab, had packed a picnic lunch which I enjoyed with Jimbo (some folks will know of whom I speak), back to the classroom for a looooong lecture, back to Bristol just in time to pick daughter up from school. From there we went back to the office until a bit after 5. Then we had to go buy a pair of socks, make a deposit at the bank, go to the grocery store and spirit daughter off to her cheerleading practice. While she practiced, I studied. Then home to feed the family, the animals and then off to pick up hubby across town where he dropped off his truck for service. Back home to fold clothes, put more clothes in dryer, bake two pineapple upside down cakes and two batches of brownies. I finally sat down to eat a sandwich then had to wrap said baked goods. Jeez, I'm pooped. Wonder why????

Well, the baked goods are for yet another fund raiser we are doing to earn money for our acolytes. We have raised money to attend the Annual Acolyte Festival in Washington, DC in early October. We now need to raise the funds to help us get through to the end of the year. Like purchasing additional albs and cinctures. For paying for lock-ins/training sessions. Anyway...that's what the baked goodies are for.

I've had a very interesting week. That I must admit. I began the week with a very heavy heart. I knew that I had to face the Vestry to discuss some "issues". But that all worked out great. I was told by our Director of Christian Formation that she plans to "retire" January 6, 2008. (There goes my sounding board!) Although I'm sad for me and the parish, I'm very happy for her. Our organist was accosted by a member of the parish during our annual Rally Day get together this past Sunday. My Biology professor just keeps on lecturing even though he's about three or four days ahead of the syllabus. That means he is lecturing on stuff that won't be on the test next Thursday, but we still have to listen to it all and read all the chapters concerning the new information. My head is about to explode!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a Beautiful Sunday!

Well, today was a very lovely day. After the week I had, I was very, very pleased that all went well at church today.

Today was our annual Rally Day. We picnic together and worship together and just have fun. The kiddies can make crafts or have their faces painted or play the piano.... Anywho, both of my co-chairs for the event couldn't be there! So, of course all was left to me. Toward the end of the event, I was getting ready to ask for folks to help with clean up but I got derailed by an overflowing toilet in the Women's restroom. By the time I got the mess cleaned up and the toilet unplugged, nearly everyone was gone! One family stayed and put up the crafts and paints for me. One gentleman, bless his heart because he brought the hot dogs to be grilled and made the chili and helped in the kitchen, stayed until we had all the dishes and pots and pans done. I soooo appreciate him.

By the time we were done and I locked up the building, daughter and I came home with me intending to study. But I decided I needed to go to my folks' house and blow the debris off their long driveway. (My Dad couldn't get his blower to work yesterday and nearly killed himself trying. He has a very serious heart condition and is not doing well.) So, I packed up and went over there. After that was done, I came home and plopped on the couch. Instead of studying, I took a much-needed long nap. I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

Husband came home around 4 or 4:30 after "dealing" with his mother and two of his younger brothers (I shan't post about all that drama). Hubby says, "how 'bout we go out to dinner tonight?" Are you kidding me??? Oh, yeah. I was soooo happy not to have to cook tonight.

The temps in our region are absolutely magnificent. It was in the 70's today and the 40's last night. Oh, yeah. Now you're talkin' my kinda temps!!

Here's to looking for more of the same!

Friday, September 14, 2007

I Made It!

Whew. It's finally Friday. The end of a hellacious week at work. I can't remember when I've ever been so happy about a work week coming to an end. This is one of those times I am most grateful.

In addition to having a productive day today at the office, the temp has cooled down, it rained all day long...a nice long, steady rain which we desperately needed. Yes, life is lookin' up.

A busy weekend awaits, but at least most of it is fun stuff. We plan to attend the downtown Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion in the morning. They have FREE kids events from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Then we have a birthday party to travel to in the afternoon. Like I said, busy...but fun! I'm looking forward to that. I just need to figure out how I'm gonna eak out some study time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Busy, busy times

Today is Thursday, which means it's my looooong day for school. I have a morning Biology Lab (2 hours) a thirty minute break followed by a 1 hour 20 minute lecture. Sweet Lee, my dear friend, fills in at the office whilst I'm away. He answers the phone, directs folks, stuffs bulletins and redoes coloring boards for the kiddies. He also does a host of other filling finger fonts with Holy Water, making business cards for staff members. Oh, he's a gem. A real "jack of all trades".

Todays lab was actually a lot of fun. We had to test many items with certain chemicals...see if/what reaction we got and document it. Then, we had to test unknown items with known chemicals and figure out what the unknown item was. It was a blast. I love mixing and swirling test tubes.

Thursdays begin with me taking daughter to school, going to the office for a while, going to school for a few hours, returning to the office for several hours (usually working until 6 or 6:30). Whew. Loooong day. But so worth it. I can't wait to be a teacher.

I must keep telling myself that. Yes, I want to be a teacher. I CAN do this. I WILL do this.

I'm pooped. But, it's a good pooped.

This weekend promises to be very busy. I have a ton of studying and reading to do. It's also our Rhythm and Roots Festival. Do a Google search for it, if you have an interest. People come from all over. It's not really "my thing", but tons of people love it. Saturday morning, they have a bunch of games and activities for kids *FREE. Of course, I'll be taking daughter and probably a friend of hers. I took her and a couple of her friends last year and we all had a blast. There is soooo much to do.

Then we have to get home to get ready for a birthday party daughter is invited to. We travel to Johnson City. Then I'll finally get to come home early evening to relax before I have to go to church on Sunday morning for our annual big picnic at church. Whew. No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Relief at Last!

The prayers and kind words of so many friends has helped yesterday be just a very sad memory. I'm feeling much better today...always helps me to vent a bit. I must try to be careful what I say. When I'm really mad, I could say almost anything.

Today was quite busy, but I did manage to get quite a bit done.

The weather has finally changed to something I can live with. It did manage to reach the 80's, but that will change over the weekend...we'll be in the 70's!!! Oh, yeah. This is MY kinda weather. I've actually been able to turn off the a/c and open windows. Oh, my.

I have to admit that blogging is kind of addictive. I really enjoy it and I LOVE reading others'. I must get busy with homework, however. I must remain focused on the golden ring!!! I am determined. I WILL do this.

I do have a sore throat, but I'm sure it's related to sinus drainage. Other than has been a very good one.

Thanks again one and all for listening to my rant of yesterday.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Good God, It's Monday AGAIN!!!!

Well, this fine Tuesday turned out to suck even worse than yesterday.

Let's just say that our Tuesday staff meeting turned into a big argument between me and the Sr. Warden. Oh my God. Super-Micro-Management at its worst!!! Unbelievable bull crap came from this guy. He would try to chastise me for something I hadn't done, saying I didn't have vestry approval and couldn't do it anyway...and then turn around say he had just done the very thing he was telling the staff not to do!!! OMG......

I shan't go into a long diatribe on today's meeting. Let's just say that if only I could afford to walk from this job, I would.

All this bullshit over nothing. All in the name of Christ. It's just so sad and so frustrating.

Well, tomorrow is Hump Day. Surely to goodness it's GOTTA be better!


Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Continues

Okay...this has REALLY been a Monday. I mentioned earlier that daughter and I are feeling under the weather. Then while trying to prepare dinner, I slice my thumb with a very sharp knife. Almost passed out (can't stand to see my own blood -- but I can watch others bleed). Had to actually call my Mom (semi-retired nurse) to come over the close my thumb for me. Jeez. What a day.

Think I'll mozey on up to bed before anything else happens.

What Color Is Your Brain?

Your Brain is Purple
Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

Yes, It's Monday

Here I am, at home, on the first workday of the week. Daughter doesn't feel well, and I don't either. I have a very sore throat...allergy-related as far as I can tell...huge amounts of drainage. So, here I sit watching "Will & Grace" (one of my favs) trying to think of something witty to say. I have nothing.......

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Losing Momentum?

I guess I should start this post with a brief explanation. I am currently the liaison for our acolyte corps at church. I took on this duty last August or September and have, for the most part, loved it. You see, our acolytes had dwindled to a couple faithful, older kids. But they didn't know what they were doing. The leader had become burned out and was just happy to have warm bodies to put into an alb. The kids would come, vest at the last second, carry whatever appointment or article they were supposed to and disappear!! Yes, they would wander the building during the service going into the kitchen to eat and drink. They would usually show back up at "just the right moment" to do their duty, but not always! I shan't belabor this point, but just put it out there so one can see the predicament we were in.

When I took over the job of liaison (which means I do the scheduling, training, etc.) I made it clear that all acolytes would need to attend training sessions, would need to find their own replacements if and when they needed to be absent, would continue to participate as an acolyte during the summer months...on and on. I had training sessions, lock-ins (a.k.a. sleepovers in the church) and the ranks grew from about six to 23! I am thrilled to add that for the first time, we, as a group, will attend the Annual Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral in October. We've worked our buns off raising money for this trip. We have met our goal with nothing to spare. We are still in need of some more vestments.

All of this brings me to my dilemma. I scheduled a meeting for all acolytes and their parents to attend this morning right after the second service. We were to finalize our plans for our trip, sign "thank you" cards to some folks who have been most generous with their time and their money, and for ALL acolytes to try on their albs. You see, children do tend to grow in a year's time. I need to order more robes and in order to only order one time, I needed all the kids to try on their robe. Well, the oldest kids were not there because the youth group decided to have a "fun day" away from church. Then I had one mother come but not bring her child!!! Okay, so how would I measure your child for his robe?

I'm beginning to feel like the momentum and excitement for this group is beginning to wane. I hope not. I love this group and we have a lot of kids involved. I also have a faithful crew of five adults who are willing to be the leaders each Sunday morning. They take turns making sure each child is vested correctly, does their job properly and puts their robe neatly away.

Maybe I'm just projecting too much into this. I remember when I moved to this town...I was in the eighth grade...and girls weren't even allowed to acolyte!!! I had begged and pleaded with the then-rector. He finally said, "if you can get every 9th thru 12th grade girl to agree to acolyte, you may do it." So, of course I did. And I LOVED acolyting. We even had to acolyte at an 8 a.m. service!!! Imagine, teenagers getting up so early on a Sunday morning as to acolyte at an 8 a.m. service! Those days are long gone. Now we start letting our children acolyte when they enter the second grade. We do NOT participate in the 8 a.m. service. But, we DO acolyte during the summer months again!

Well, I feel a smidge better now that I have gotten this off my chest. I hope I'm just sensitive to this issue and that we don't have a problem. I think, no, I know that most of these kids just LOVE to acolyte. I hope our momentum and fun continue.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

About Me

Just to let you know a bit about myself........

I have been parish administrator for the local Episcopal Church for over 28 years. I am currently going to college part time pursuing my degreee in elementary education. I won't be finished in time to be able to teach my daughter (she's currently in fifth grade) but I hope to finish in the next three or four years. I'm so excited about this career change. I've always wanted to be a teacher.

It's good to have goals and dreams. It's even a little sweeter when we get to work toward meeting them!

I am blessed with a very smart, wonderful husband. We've been together for a loooooong time. We've been married for more than 14 years and have an almost-eleven-year-old daughter. We also have two dogs, a fish and a guinea pig. Yes, life is fun and fast paced at our house!

My daughter is gorgeous, very smart and the most wonderful part of my life. I never knew how much a human being could love another human being until I had her.

My husband and I feel very, very blessed indeed to have our daughter. We waited until we were in our late thirties to start a family. Our first attempt ended in a miscarriage which was devastating. But, we tried again, and hit the jackpot!!! Warning: parenthood is NOT for wimps! It's the hardest yet most satisfying and rewarding "job" you'll ever have. I know I've learned a lot in these nearly eleven years.

Guess I'll stop there for now. I'm sure I'll talk lots more about me and my family as I continue to blog.

My First Blog

I've been contemplating blogging for quite some time. I've been asked by various friends to think about taking it up and I've finally decided it's time I do.

This week has been rather surreal. I lost a very dear friend of mine to liver disease and I miss him terribly. The funeral service was lovely and exactly what he would have wanted. I even got to participate. I helped with ushering and read the "Prayers of the People". I'm very pleased I got to do that.

Just some very random thoughts here as I begin to "feel" my way around this thing called "blogging".