Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Feelin' Kinda Mellow

For a Tuesday, today was pretty good. Had a Biology lecture but not too bad all around day.

I must admit that for being near the end of September, the heatwave continues in the Southeast. We were in the 90's!!! Good grief. Have I ever mentioned how I don't DO heat??

Busy day making sure I get all my information together for my trip next week. The acolytes (or a goodly portion of them) are off to Washington, DC to the National Cathedral for the Annual Acolyte Festival. My daughter is an acolyte and I am the coordinator/liaison for the corps. Been on the phone trying to make sure we have all our "t's" crossed and "i's" dotted. I'm so excited. I can't wait til we depart. This is gonna be a marvelous adventure. I've never been to the Cathedral. I think our kids will really enjoy this and be amazed.

Thanks to the generosity of a few folks I know through the internet, our endless fundraising and various other contributions, we've been able to get enough money put together for the trip. Thanks be to God.

I have to admit that I am rather nervous. This Thursday I have my first Biology exam. My poor little brain is so full of information I feel like I'm gonna explode. I've been going over and over my notes. I hope and pray I can remember all the information. My professor is from India. He does a really good job, but he is very difficult to understand at times.

Speaking of studying, I better get back to it.


Unknown said...


Glad to hear you all are set for the Acolyte Festival! Awesome!

And you're in my prayers for the exam. Don't worry, lady, I'm sure you'll do just fine! And I must say, you're inspiring me to get my butt in a classroom and upgrade some of my skills.

How do you keep up with it all?

You're awesome!


Joan Lucia-Treese said...

Kim~~ First of all, prayers ascending for your exam!

When you get to the Cathedral, make sure you go to the bookstore. It is utterly fantastic!! Drag Lee along! LOL

PseudoPiskie said...

Don't even think about setting foot in the Cathedral bookstore unless you have at least an hour. And be prepared for crushing crowds. It is wonderful.