Sunday, December 16, 2007


Wow! What a week. Busy, busy, busy at work. Anybody who works at a church around Christmas time KNOWS of what I am speaking. Goodness. On top of all that work, I'm doing extra work in anticipation of my two weeks off after this coming Friday, December 21. First time in 28 years I've taken time off around Christmas.

Then, I am expecting new carpet in my office (wonderful couple at the church are donating it). So....I have to pack up and clean my office out as well, before I leave on Friday.

Then there was the final for my Biology lecture, which I took on Thursday. Believe it or not, I was so stressed out over this class. It was very, very hard. But, it looks like I have an A!!! Then there was the planning and implementation of daughter's birthday party at a roller skating rink this past Saturday.

Today was killer. Had duty as a Lector and Lay Eucharistic Minister at 10:30, followed by a meeting which didn't end until nearly 1 p.m. Rushed home to eat lunch and then off to daughter's piano recital at 2. Then back home to prepare a dish to take to the acolyte party at church. So, 4:15 rolls around and it's back to the church to bake hundreds of cookies and sign hundreds of cards for some sailors aboard a small ship somewhere in the Middle East. I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I just felt compelled to blog because I've been so lax about it.

I don't even have my Christmas cards done yet. That will be tomorrow evening's chore. I've made my mailing labels and return address labels.

Lord, there is sooooo much to be done this week at work, I pray I can keep my sanity in order to get it done.

Oh, yeah.....did I mention I'm the home room mom to my daughter's fifth grade class? I had a cohome room mom, but she transferred her child to another class. Now I'm doing it solo. So......after baking and cleaning and signing the church, I had to come home to make phone calls to line up all the "stuff" for the Christmas party for daughter's class this week. Oh, yeah, and then there's the trip to the doctor's office on Wednesday. Geez......I may never get everything done this week. Thank God for my good friend Lee. He's a gem. He helps out at the office. I may need to call in some reinforcements. We have LOTS to get done.

Well, I really am pooped so I'm gonna call it a night.

Here's hoping that anybody who rambles by here has a great week.

1 comment:

Joan Lucia-Treese said...

Girlfriend! Take a deep breath. This too shall pass and you will accomplish everything in time for Christmas!!

Congrats on another "A"!