Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Some Days Are Better Than Others

Well, I've endured some pretty rough days lately. Work pretty much sucks. I won't go into detail, let's just say I hope things change soon.

My father-in-law passed away on the 22nd of Feb. We had his funeral last week. I've had to fight a cold and have had a sick child. Now I get news that my dearest friend has suffered some brain damage from a stroke at the age of 39.

My college classes are keeping me so busy I don't have time to blog (this week is Spring break, so I hope to get ahead in my studies).

I finally made time to do our taxes this past weekend. I submitted them on line THEN realized I forgot to include our mortgage interest! Jeez.

The wind is blowing so hard where I live right now that the windows are rattling and the roof makes buzzing sounds. It's quite eery.

Well, now that I've dumped my burden, I'm off to bed. Early to bed tonight as I am really tired. Been really, really tired (more than usual) here lately.


Jay Phillippi said...



Joan Lucia-Treese said...

{{{{{KIM!!}}}}} I hope that smoothes out ASAP and that you can get some rest while you are on spring break. Prayers!!


PseudoPiskie said...

Sending lots of hugs and prayers to my favorite church administrator. Sorry your school wasn't smart enough to put spring break on Holy Week like Allegheny. I know you will survive. Just keep plugging away and keep your eyes on the prize. You'll survive.

Janis Bland said...

Hugs, girl! Do try to get some relaxing in during your spring break, despite your desire to study and get ahead. You need to pamper yourself, and get the hub to pamper you too!

Love ya!

Kim said...

Bless you, one and all. I needed those virtual hugs. Last week really sucked a big one.