Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oh, Yeah!!!

Haven't written on my blog in foreeeeeever. Been so busy with work, school, daughter, life.....

I completed my last final yesterday and am done with classes until the fall. It will be nice to have a bit of a break. Now I can do some reading that I've been wanting to get in. I've been reading the autobiography of Barry White. Oh, yeah....that man could make the hairs on my arms stand at attention just hearing his voice. What a very interesting man he was.

Went on a school trip with the fifth grade classes from my daughter's school last week. We took them for three days to Kanuga (Camp Bob to be more precise). It's a very interesting outdoor school. We did LOTS of hiking (OMG....I'm still not recovered), learned about constellations and how we could use them for tracking. They learned about compass reading; we went canoeing; we dug around in a pond and found critters they had to identify; they climbed rock walls..........we were busy from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. The kids were involved in games designed to help build community and trust. They had to be "hoppers". Which meant they took turns showing up early at meal time to set tables and remain afterward to clean up. A very fun, exhausting time. Did I mention that there were only three of us ladies to chaperone 27 fifth grade girls????? Can you say "DRAMA"?

Now that my schooling is over til the fall, I will be concentrating on finishing my obligations at daughter's class...I am the homeroom Mom after all. I still have a few events to plan and carry out before they get out of school.

I am also neck deep in planning for Vacation Bible School at work. We lost our Director of Christian Formation in December, so I took it upon myself to get things going. I swore after last year, I would not do this again. Like I don't have enough to do!!!! Anywho...last year's event was so popular, fun and well-attended, I just couldn't let the kids down by not offering anything. (oh, have I mentioned the fact that I am the only full-time employee left at the church??? We have a part-time sexton and part-time organist/choir director.)

Well, speaking of employees......it looks like we will be FINALLY calling a new rector. After being without one for a year and a half, it looks like we will be calling a young, energetic, gentleman. Don't want to give too many details as the paperwork has not been signed yet. I'll let ya'll know when the ink is dried on the papers.

Now that I've finished with my own studies, I hope to have a bit more time to blog and to read other's blogs. I've really missed that.

Have a Tremendous Tuesday!


PseudoPiskie said...

YEA!!!! A Kim blog entry.

You're in better shape than we are. We don't even have a full time secretary. Prayers going for a successful and compatible result from your search for clergy!


Jay Phillippi said...

Great to see you back. Hope you get the rector you want and deserve!

Unknown said...

YAY!!!!! Welcome back! Good to see you blogging again.



Kim said...

Awww....gee, thanks guys. Hugs and kisses to you all. Thanks for the kind words.

Now that I have more time for blogging, I also have more time for reading...I need to go read your blogs.

Oh yeah!

Janis Bland said...

Glad to see you survived the semester! David made it through his first semester, but we don't know grades yet. :)


Joan Lucia-Treese said...

Welcome back!! I hope you enjoy your break from your studies and your summer. Prayers ascending for a new rector!


Kim said...

Thanks to you Joan and Janis. I appreciate those words. Life is lookin' pretty good at the moment.

Janis, let me know how David made out.
