Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Continues

Okay...this has REALLY been a Monday. I mentioned earlier that daughter and I are feeling under the weather. Then while trying to prepare dinner, I slice my thumb with a very sharp knife. Almost passed out (can't stand to see my own blood -- but I can watch others bleed). Had to actually call my Mom (semi-retired nurse) to come over the close my thumb for me. Jeez. What a day.

Think I'll mozey on up to bed before anything else happens.


Midnight Oil said...

ACK! Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping you have a better day as well, Kim! Take care of that thumb.

And you're right, it HAS been a Monday. Grrrr....


EYouthWNY said...

Yeah, yesterday was pretty sucky. Tuesday has been an improvement (at least here). Hope yours was too

Lee M. Davenport said...

You didn't tell me about this! You're slipping!

Sorry I missed seeing you at the parish house today. I came by to do some cutting and copying.

Had a very long conversation with Mother Wendie about the Web site. Boy, am I glad I no longer have control of that infernal thing. I'd have pulled my hair out by now.

Hope your thumb feels better. I won't make Mass tomorrow. I have to be in Johnson City at 1:10 for my oncology appointment. Yea! Maybe I'll get a new pill that'll help me with my, um, problems.
